Postdoc position available
We have an opening for a 2-year postdoc position to join the NL-eEDM collaboration. We look for a physicist with a background in experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics. The candidate is expected to be actively involved in different aspects ... (Link)
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Summerschool on low-energy precision physics
We are organising a summer school for PhD students and postdocs on the beautiful Dutch island Ameland. It is about the search for new physics with low-energy precision tests. It is planned from 2-7 juli 2023. You can find out more (and sign up!) here.
Open PhD positions
6 PhD positions are available within the context of our NL-eEDM research program. We use cold molecules to probe fundamental physics - specifically the electron’s electric dipole moment (EDM). We are looking for motivated PhD students with a strong int...
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National institue for subatomic physics