A table-top particle physics program to probe the electron's electric dipole moment with cold molecules

About the NL-eEDM program

We aim to improve the measurement of the permanent electric dipole moment of the electron (eEDM) using cold molecules. The fantastic precision with which the eEDM can be measured makes it a uniquely sensitive low-energy probe of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. Our small-scale experiment performed with atomic physics techniques  has the potential to make a major contribution to answering outstanding questions in both particle physics and cosmology.


Mar 21, 2024

Postdoc position available

We have an opening for a 2-year postdoc position to join the NL-eEDM collaboration. We look for a physicist with a background in experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics. The candidate is expected to be actively involved in different aspects ... (Link)

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Mar 14, 2023

Summerschool on low-energy precision physics

We are organising a summer school for PhD students and postdocs on the beautiful Dutch island Ameland. It is about the search for new physics with low-energy precision tests. It is planned from 2-7 juli 2023. You can find out more (and sign up!) here.

Dec 14, 2022

Open PhD positions

6 PhD positions are available within the context of our NL-eEDM research program. We use cold molecules to probe fundamental physics - specifically the electron’s electric dipole moment (EDM). We are looking for motivated PhD students with a strong int...

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University of Groningen
Vrije University Amsterdam (VU)
University van Amsterdam (UvA)

National institue for subatomic physics 


Steven Hoekstra

Program leader

University of Groningen

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